Conference Committees 

There are eight Conference Leadership Committees carrying out the mission of the Conference and United Church of Christ. Each Leadership Committee (except the Personnel Committee, the Education Ministries Committee and the Committee on Ministry - see below) will consist of at least 12 and not more than 15 members representing diverse interests and geographical areas.  There should be up to two youth positions elected to each Committee, in addition to the maximum numbers set out herein.  The members of each Committee will be elected at Annual Meetings and shall serve two-year terms.  Leadership Committees shall connect existing resources, leaders, and programs.  They shall strive to help and encourage the coordination and the creation of ministries.  As priorities are established by the Annual Meeting and General Synod, the Board will assign primary responsibilities for each priority to an appropriate Leadership Committee.  All other Committees shall be invited to join in implementing each priority as they see fit.  

Board of Directors

Board of Directors shall have policy making responsibility for the work of the Conference between meetings of the Conference, including evaluating and coordinating current programs and projects, establishing new churches and ministries, establishing priorities, long-range plans and strategies for the Conference, Leadership Committees and staff, and employing of staff. They also represent and delegate representation of the Conference; oversee the administration of the Conference; recommend a biennial budget, oversee the budget and property of the Conference; authorize the execution and delivery of a conveyance of real property to a Local Church; make an annual report to the Conference; and make minor adjustments to the Biennial Budget.  Our Bylaws.

COmmitteeS on Ministry

The Committee on Ministry has the role of support and accountability for those seeking or holding standing. On a regular basis, the Committee attends to the operative covenantal relationships among those with standing, the Association, the Local Church, and the ministry setting, in order to nurture faithfulness and to ensure ongoing growth in ministry according to the Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers and using the current Manual on Ministry for procedures and guidelines. The Committee on Ministry may have up to 24 members, 18 members on the Westside and 6 on the Eastside. It shall assist in the transitions of local congregations in times of call and crisis. It shall help lay the basic foundations of Conference life with Healthy congregations and skilled, well supported clergy and lay pastoral leadership.

Church Development Committee

The Church Development Committee shall seek to initiate and/or support the formation of new church communities and the transformation of existing church communities where renewal is dependent upon resources from beyond that community. The committee shall work collaboratively with the Committee on the Ministry and the Stewardship Committee of the Pacific Northwest Conference, with local organizers and volunteers, and the Office of Church Development and Renewal of Local Church Ministries of the United Church of Christ.  The committee’s primary duties are to consult, assist, and provide funding in partnership with those involved in church formation or transformation.  The Church Development Committee will develop, provide and review guidelines and policies for such development and accountability, and will promote and regularly update a plan of action for church development within the Conference.  The Treasurer serves on the Church Development Committee ex-officio.  

Educational ministries COMMITTEE

The Education Ministries Committee is charged with coordinating a yearly curriculum and calendar of learning opportunities for youth, adults, laity, clergy, and outdoor ministries.  It shall help gather teaching and education leadership teams to plan and carry out ecumenical, conference-wide, and local training events, youth events and outdoor ministries.  The Education Ministries Committee may have up to 20 members.

The Committee consists of the Adult Spiritual Formation Task Force, the Outdoor Ministries Task Force, and the Youth and Young Adult Task Force.

General Synod Delegates

The General Synod Delegates will served for our conference at the General Synod 2023 and2025.

Global Ministries Committee

The Global Ministries Committee is a shared ministry of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ and the Northern Lights Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).  The committee shall nurture global partnerships and sister church relationships, shall support the work of Global Ministries in the national setting including its missionaries from the Pacific Northwest Conference and the Northern Lights Region of the Disciples of Christ, shall help itinerate visits by mission personnel, shall encourage churches of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC and the Northern Lights Region of the Disciples to become Global Mission Churches, shall facilitate connections with mission personnel and projects when church members and friends travel globally, and shall promote mission trips by local churches and Conference groups.  For more information, videos, pictures, and upcoming events about the work of the national Global Ministries please go to their website. In 2021, the Annual Meeting of the PNC-UCC voted to enter into a partnership with two Colombian Church Peace Organizations: Justapaz and the Peace Commission of CEDECOL, Council of Evangelical and Protestant Churches of Colombia. Learn more about the Columbia Partnership.


The Justice and Witness Ministries Committee shall have the role of helping people and congregations connect with each other in practicing their faith. In doing so it shall be a clearing house helping to recognize, organize and coordinate a wide variety of ministry networks where the Gospel is being lived and shared, and assisting to bring ministries to closure when a need is met or a work is done.  

Ministry Resources COMMITTEE

People often ask us what the Ministry Resources Committee (known as MRC in Conference jargon) does. Several of us say that we are the "staffing committee" of the Conference. In other words, we are the people responsible for nominating members of the conference to committees that match their passions and interests. You have a joy for numbers and teaching others about giving? Then perhaps you should try the Stewardship Committee. You have a passion for Christian Education? Perhaps you might consider serving on the Educational Ministries Committee.

The goal of MRC is to strengthen the covenantal bonds between members of our Pacific Northwest churches and the local churches themselves. By working together on conference boards and committees, UCC members accomplish many good things and help create important connections between all the UCC churches within the Pacific Northwest Conference.  We also seek out nominations for national UCC committees and task forces.


The Personnel Committee shall be comprised of six members.  It shall have the responsibility to help organize, support, review and periodically evaluate the work of the Conference Minister(s) and employees of the Conference.

stewardship COMMITTEE 

The Stewardship Committee shall have the responsibility for stewardship interpretation (including Our Church’s Wider Mission and other periodic stewardship programs or campaigns).  It shall gather teams or advisory groups to organize the Conference budgeting, investment, property management, and planned giving functions in compliance with the financial policies established by the Board of Directors.  The Vice Chair of the Board and the Conference Treasurer will serve ex officio on this Committee.

Strengthen the Church Grant Application

Stewardship Interpretation has developed two Power Point presentations about the Conference.  Churches are welcome to download and use this material, and even make changes, use only portions, etc. as it fits your needs.  We only ask that you send any revised version to the Stewardship Committee so that we are aware of how this is being used.

Presentation #1

Presentation #2